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Best-Selling Author Raises $500,000 in Just Three Days

New York Times best-selling author, Ann Voskamp, raised more than $500,000 for Iraqi refugees displaced by ISIS in just 72 hours. Christian Retailing reported that the author and mother of six visited Iraq in March and was horrified to learn that women just like her—mothers—were forced to live in shipping ...

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The Frustration of Morgellons Disease

Morgellons Disease is a frustrating, disabling and disfiguring condition that is not well understood, not fully recognized by the medical community, and not well-documented in medical textbooks. Though the cause is unknown, many physicians now believe it has a chronic infectious disease component. Reports indicate more than 13,000 families are ...

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The Gift of Prophecy

God has given some members of the Body of Christ the, gift of prophecy, to be used for the expansion of God’s Kingdom,for the unity in the Spirit, to edify one another and to help bring believers into a mature relationship in Jesus Christ. God is using prophecy in the ...

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