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Have You Received God’s Free Gift?

Recently, I was asked to prepare a short devotional message for those attending an upcoming luncheon at our church for a group of half-way house ladies.  It would be a mixed crowd of women.  Some would know Jesus well and others would not really care much about the whole topic ...

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Two Pastors in Sudan Persecuted for Their Faith

Rev. Yat Michael and Rev. Peter Yen Reith of South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church have been charged with espionage and blasphemy. Michael was arrested December 21, 2014, and Reith was arrested on January 11, 2015. The church believes they are being persecuted for their Christian faith. Sudanese authorities are calling ...

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Stop Pointing Those Legalistic Fingers

Being on the judgmental reprimand of legalism can become both heart wrenching, and emotionally suffocating, but mostly spiritually crushing. For those of you who may have never heard of the term (It’s typically used only within the church), it may be defined as a person who excessively adheres to the ...

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