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Cheerleader with Severe Brain Injury has Miracle Healing

She was in a medically induced coma. When her brain began to hemorrhage and sink into her spinal cord, doctors could do nothing for her. At 14, Taylor Hale was a freshman cheerleader. One day she was playing around and sitting on a car. When it began to move, she ...

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Teens: God Is Raising Up a Generation of Power

bright future, Christian teens, great future for grads

Despite being hard-pressed on all sides by bad news and looming unrest, there’s a reality that also deserves attention: God is raising up a generation of youth that is moving with unprecedented power and focus. In ministering to and mentoring teenagers, I am witness a level of commitment that is ...

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Be Fearless in Battle

There are brave men out there and there are cowardly men. However, let’s talk horses! Now, I can only speak from personal observation, but I have never known of a horse to be a coward. You can take the weakest man and put him on a horse, and that horse ...

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