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The Pleasure of Sin

There really is pleasure in sin—for a time. It lures us in, making promises it knows it will never keep. It thrives on rationalization and justification. It tells us we will be the one to get by with it.  Sin would not be an issue if it came to us ...

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Where to Find Real Happiness

I don’t think there is anything more unappealing to me than ungratefulness.  There’s an image that has been floating around Facebook for some time–it’s a skeleton of a child, much too malnourished to live long, his mother giving him a drop, a single drop, of water.  None of us have it that bad. More gumption ...

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How God Brings Good from Trials

God orders our steps and uses all the circumstances of our lives to mold us into the image of His Son.  How does this work?  Because God knows everything we will do in our lives, since He sees our lives, not as a one-dimensional picture, but as a panoramic picture ...

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