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Our Hope: Enoch Was Taken

“And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him.” Genesis 5:24  Enoch is a very interesting hero of the faith.  He is fascinating, actually, yet we really know very little about him personally.  Let’s talk about what we do know about him. Enoch’s father was Jared, a descendant ...

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Enough Excuses: How God Taught Moses to Step Up

Do you ever feel that the task to which God has called you is more than you can do? Moses did. When God first spoke to him out of the burning bush and commanded him to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses came up with a myriad of excuses: ...

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Wife of “American Sniper,” Tara Kyle Shares Her Testimony

I would like to share this post as homage to American veterans and their spouses, and the sacrifices that they and their families make for our freedom.  You may be familiar with the box office hit, American Sniper, or the book that was released before the movie debut. If you ...

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