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Apple Cider Vinegar: Beauty and Household Uses — Part II

The antimicrobial properties of apple cider vinegar make it an excellent cleanser. One study indicated that the acetic acid in vinegar was found to be lethal to E. coli. A combination of lemon juice and vinegar was shown to be effective against salmonella. In Part I last week, we looked ...

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Teen Girls: From Prey To Power (Dads Read, Too!)

God knew what He was doing when He designed the family to consist of father, mother, and child(ren). When we depart from God’s design, dysfunction wedges in and poisons all the members of the family. If a father is absent, the entire family suffers. He may be present in the ...

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Our Hope: Share Your Blessings

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me … ”  (Matthew 25:35, ESRD).  The LORD your God has blessed you.  Whether you recognize the blessings or not, they are there, they were given ...

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