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Wait On God; He’s Not Too Busy

“Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.” ~ Psalm 4:1 At a trip to the local Bureau of Motor Vehicles, a patron is told, “Please take a number and have ...

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When Temptation Knocks

There are so many stories in the Bible that speak of God’s chosen people being tempted and following through that temptation. Take Cain and Abel: Cain convinced Abel to come with him to a field, where he murdered him because of jealousy after each of them made an offering to ...

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Dealing With Disappointment

When something doesn’t turn out the way we hope, we feel disappointed. There are degrees of disappointment, from a passing bad day to outright devastation. Christians are not shielded from disappointment. Actually, believers might have a tendency to struggle more from this emotional ailment than those who do not believe ...

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