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Is God a Stranger to You?

The billboard caught my eye: “When you die you will meet God.”   As we continued down the highway, I thought about those words. There are only two kinds of people who will someday meet God: those who have longed for the day they will see Him face-to-face, and those for whom ...

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Our Hope: The One Who Deserves Our Thanks

“O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.”  Psalm 30:12 Most of us are taught, from birth, to say “thank you” for many things.  It could be a present on our birthday, or a ride home from school.  It could be a neighbor helping us with packages, or ...

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Learning The Golden Rule From Our Children

I don’t get much time to mingle with adults.  I work out of a home office as a medical editor.  It’s a lonely job, no office drama, no contact or connection with many people.  It can be a lovely job and short commute, but very little interaction with others.  So when I get ...

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