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Remembering Fallen Vets and Police Officers

A deceased veteran of the Vietnam War returned to American soil on May 12, 2015. Master Sergeant James Holt was a Green Beret stationed at Long Vei, which was overrun by the North Vietnamese Army in 1968. He was reportedly trapped in a medical bunker and shot to death. His ...

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If You Won’t Obey Good Authority, You’ll Have to Submit to Bad

submit to authority, obey authority, rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, police hatred, police brutality, juvenile detention

A friend who volunteers his time with delinquent youth told of a frustrating problem he kept encountering. As he tried to counsel these young people who’d messed up, he kept running into a wall of bitterness.  Many of them had been treated roughly by law enforcement upon arrest and detainment. ...

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Derailed on the Way to Heaven

Recently, an Amtrak train derailed in Philadelphia leaving eight people dead and over two hundred transported to the hospital. Still uncertain of the specific root cause behind the speed of the train, investigators are trying to identify and pinpoint a potential connection to the engineer, Brandon Bostian who is currently ...

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