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Meatless Madness or Healthy Habit?

Lamb chops and mash potatoes, beef burgers and fries, Southern fried chicken with mac-and-cheese… I’m sure picking a favorite from any of these dishes, is easy. But have you ever considered trying a meal that’s meatless? Wait. Don’t start hyperventilating just yet! It’s not that bad, really. There’s a stigma ...

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Land of the Free and Home of…Dysfunction?

America has always been known as the greatest nation on the face of the earth unfortunately it has its fair share of problems. Poverty    The poverty threshold for 2012 for a family of four, was $23,492.* Crime        In 2012 the number of violent crime in the ...

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Behind Disappointment: Obsession & Idolatry

God cares about our well-being. He tells us to pray for our needs. He says that He will fulfill the desires of those who fear Him. He knows the deep wants of our heart, and more importantly, He knows our heart. Maybe you have an unfulfilled desire in your heart. ...

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