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10 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar — Part I

Many wonderful books have been written about the uses of apple cider vinegar. Thousands of years ago, it began as a food preservative, but its health benefits were revealed in short order. Vinegar is made by fermenting carbohydrates (grapes, apples, beets). Slow fermentation over weeks or months yields the “mother” ...

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Advice for New Mothers

 As a new mom, the suggestions and recommendations on the best way to raise your child can be overwhelming or even mind numbing making a mother fearful or doubtful of her abilities.  Although it is natural to express concerns, especially since a baby does not come with an instruction manual, too much information ...

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Our Hope: Shake Off The Dust

And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.”  Matthew 10:14  As disciples of Christ, all Christians are called to some form of evangelism.  Not all are gifted in this area, but when we ...

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