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Trust God to Work ALL Things Together for Good

“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God–those whom He has called according to His plan.” Romans 8:28 Two of the hardest things I’ve learned are understanding God’s plan when life is falling apart, and learning in the storm.  In the past four years ...

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Homeschooling With Pizazz – Getting Started

Homeschooling can be fun for even just one!  Getting started takes some effort and thought, but it is worth it in the end for the majority of families.  Remember, it’s like eating brussel sprouts–you’ve heard how nasty those little cabbages taste, but when you finally try them, you find they ...

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Peaceful Civil Demonstration in Obedience to God’s Ways

A question that Christians in America need to start asking is, “Will I be a part of a peaceful demonstration if my right to religious expression is taken away?” Mike Huckabee recently said, “We are moving rapidly toward the criminalization of Christianity…where criminal charges for a person who defies a ...

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