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Serving Up Fast Food Youth Groups

In a recent article titled Are You a Teen Church Dropout, a survey compiled by Lifeway Research narrowed in on the influx of teenagers between 16-19 who have left the church because they do not see the value in their life. As a church leader, especially those in youth ministry, ...

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Visual Communication in Church

Originally, the main source of worship in church came from listening to the musical instruments and singing songs. And the pastor’s sole means of delivering sermons was verbal communication. What do these things have in common? They are all audio methods. Our visual information-gathering skills have become more acute over ...

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Understanding Relationships Through Adam and Eve

There are some amazing resources out there to help us understand men, women, and relationships. However, what has been most helpful for me, to really grasp the intention of God’s heart for relationships (and ultimately, marriage), is The Ultimate Life Guide–that is the Holy Bible. It is here that we ...

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