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Classrooms, Cafeterias, and … Puppy Rooms?

Schools are made up of many rooms.  There are classrooms, lecture halls, study halls, activity rooms, meeting rooms, gymnasiums, cafeterias, music rooms, drama centers …  There are also work rooms, both for teachers and for the field of study classes, such as wood shop, or home economics.  Science has its ...

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Two Stories of Changed Hearts

Can people change in the way they think? Here are two stories, one from a prison, the other about a big city major. Like many prisons, Laclede County Jail in Lebanon, Missouri, has a ministry to inmates. Every week two clergymen conduct Bible studies. They are well received. Many of ...

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Assemble the Mighty Men: How Grads Can Prep for Success

college bound Christian, David and his mighty men, keep faith at college, graduation and the Christian youth

With commencement right around the corner, now is a great time for high school seniors to start preparing for one of the most vital components of a successful post-secondary experience. While dorm furnishings or a new tablet are nice, one of the most important tools a graduate going either to ...

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