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Mom, You Have 950 Weeks to Influence the Next Generation

As mothers, we are given a great responsibility in raising up the next generation and we are only given a short amount of time to make an impact in their lives. Four of my favorite moms in the Bible are Jochebed, Hannah, Eunice and Louis. Jochebed, the mother of Moses, ...

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Peace–God Is Your Manager

Many highly esteemed, highly paid, famous entertainers have managers of their lives and time.  These managers work arduously to present their clients in an appealing, marketable way.  The goal is to secure a coveted place in the entertainer’s talent area thereby expanding their wealth and influence. ” … fill thine ...

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3 Biblical Tips for Dealing with Difficult People

We all know that one person who rankles us, gets under our skin and irritates us to our very core. You can be having a perfect day, be in the very best of moods, and suddenly that stops. Just the mention of their name causes the hair on your arms ...

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