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The Prayer God Won’t Answer!

Most of us can honestly say that at some point in our Christian walk, we have asked God to remove a trial or suffering from our life.  We have done all we know to do to be obedient to God and follow His Word, yet troubles come–like raindrops hitting an ...

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Choosing Your Candidate

The presidential election season has descended on us already. One by one, we hear of yet another hopeful, announcing a bid for the presidency. Special interest groups and lobbyists will soon flood the air waves and mailboxes enlightening us on who we should vote for and why. Before long there ...

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The Poisonous Root of Bitterness

Several years ago my wife and I were ministering to a young lady who needed deliverance from demons. As I prayed for her, it was clear that evil spirits were coming to the surface, but we could not seem to get a full breakthrough. We paused for a moment to ...

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