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Pride: The Sin All Others Follow

There’s an insidious sin that everyone falls prey to. Do you know what it is? Satan himself succumbed to this sin, and it cost him his place in heaven. Created in beauty, the Bible says he wore a robe studded with many jewels including onyx, sapphire, turquoise and emeralds. He was ...

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The Dandelion, More Than Just a Weed

I grumble about them every year, it’s always the same litany of complaints that fall out of my mouth: “Look at all those blasted dandelions!”  “Can you believe how fast they grew?”  “I just mowed yesterday–and those little buggers button right back up, more determined than ever.” I think there’s ...

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Why Pray Personal Prayers?

“Lord give us a humble heart. Where we are lacking, make us strong. Where we walk though the valley of the shadow, be thou with us to guide and protect us. Let Your light shine from us, illuminating truth, Lord. Let us be Jesus today.” What is wrong with the ...

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