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Give Your Parents a Thumbs-Up

Children, your words matter. As confident and in control as parents seem, they need your confirmation that they’re doing a good job at being parents. They may have an, “I’ve-got-this,” attitude and an, “I-can-take-on-the-world,” demeanor, still, a hint of doubt lingers behind that façade, and they sometimes think they’re failing. ...

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Delivered from the Spirit of Heaviness

One description of the ministry of Jesus is: “ He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil” (Acts 10:38). Jesus delivered those who were oppressed by Satan and his evil spirits. He set captives free from demonic oppression and healed broken hearts. The word oppressed ...

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5 Ways Christians Can Respond Biblically to the LGBT Community

If you are unfamiliar with the acronym LGBT, it stands for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender. This community generally celebrates pride, diversity, individuality, and sexuality. Younger Americans are more likely to identify with being LGBT, with adults between the ages of 18-29 occurring 3x more within this group. With such ...

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