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They Waited And God Came Through

Faith still requires our allegiance today. (Hebrews 11:6)  Our wonderful God is at work in our lives even when we don’t see it, as was experienced by Walt and Annie in the early 2000s.  (Psalm 27:13-14) Walt was a country boy who loved talking to God. One particular day while ...

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Where to Get Entertainment Reviews from a Christian Perspective

Movies, music, video games–we live in a digital world, and most of our entertainment is either on our home televisions or smartphone devices. With such easy access to downloadable content and new movies coming out each week, what’s a parent to do? If you’ve read my articles on G-, PG-, ...

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5 Training Tips For The Race of Life

“On your marks…Get set…BANG!” The gun resounded and echoed through the surroundings of the meet while spectators cheered on with enthusiastic encouragement towards the runners of the 1500 meter. Running this middle distance race takes “endurance”, “quick speed”, “proper form” and “mental focus” ( According to Coach Jay Johnson, anyone ...

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