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When God Lets Bad Things Happen

“How can we trust that God won’t bring any more bad things to us?” This was the question my son asked one morning. As I pondered the answer, I thought about the three Hebrew boys in the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar made a grand statue, a golden image that ...

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The Material for Spiritual Transformation

What we encounter in daily living—family, work, church, community, challenges—provides the material for spiritual transformation.  The natural life is ours to transform into spiritual—through obedience to the will of God! “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.” 1 Corinthians 15:46 Salvation is the ...

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Here Today–Gone Tomorrow

When the earthquake struck in Nepal a few days ago, video footage showed people going about their day as usual.  Tourists were sightseeing and snapping photos.  Natives were walking to work or to a friend’s house to visit.  Children were playing in the streets just as innocently as any other ...

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