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This Is Only a Test

spiritual testing, Psalm 66, the Lord tests the righteous

They invited him into their home while he found work and got established. For over a year he enjoyed a clean bedroom, a shower, and home-cooked meals, all free of charge. They took him with them to parties and church socials so he could meet others in the community; they even let ...

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After the Judgement: The Second Death

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment,” (Hebrews 9:27). One of the more controversial discussions about the Day of Judgement is what the punishment will be for those whose names are not written in the Book of Life. Many have a vision ...

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The Unexpected Storm

How could we have known what was coming?  That hot July day in 1978 held  blue skies, dotted only with wisps of cloud. Everything was quiet–a peaceful summer’s day.  We played in the neighborhood from early morning. Just after lunch, a neighbor spotted the funnel cloud in those otherwise blue ...

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