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Have You Talked to the Devil Lately?

The devil tries to use God’s Word against us, and he knows his stuff! He’s been given many names in the bible: “murderer” and “father of lies” (John 8),”dragon” and” serpent” (Revelation 4),” tempter” (Matthew 4), “angel of the abyss” (Revelation 9)…we cannot take him on in our own strength.  But when he ...

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Baltimore Rioting and A Mother’s Love

Toya Graham, a single mother, was watching the rioting on television when she spotted her 16 year old son, Michael. She immediately went into action. After arriving at the scene of destruction, she hunted him down and chased him when he tried to run. When she caught up with him, ...

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When Your Child Asks Hard Questions

It happens every other day or so, my quick-thinking, must-have-answers-to-everything little girl startling me with her tough questions. I should have known it was coming, because we had just spent the day at her school and in the hallway was a special needs student. The most precious sweetheart you have ever ...

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