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April Is National Child Abuse Prevention Month; Is Anybody Listening

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. There has been much research that has identified the factors known to prevent and reduce child abuse and neglect. There is one thing all man’s research does not identify. They fail to identify why abuse happens. It is because of sin. Is anybody listening ...

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Heroes: Conquerors of Darkness

Many characteristics define what it means to be a hero. Duty, honor, courage, and a willingness to defend the weak are several things that come to mind. However, how does one exercise these concepts? How does one defend the weak? Do you have a hero in you? These are just ...

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Make Your Plans Second in Command to God’s

Have you ever had your perfect plans ruined by an unexpected change? Here’s an example. Two Saturdays ago, I was supposed to go to church and then have a girl’s night out painting. I had the day all planned out. In fact, the painting date with the girls was planned ...

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