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Home: A Movie With an Important Message

A curly hair little girl called Tip, and a purple, bright eyed Boov specie called Oh, star in the recent hit movie, Home. Tip and Oh paths crossed during the Boov’s invasion of earth. They then journeyed together to find Tip’s mom. Though they seem like an unlikely pair, both ...

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Grace In The Midst of Sorrow

“And when Jesus came to the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion, He said, ‘Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping’.  And they laughed at Him.  But when the crowd had been put outside, He went in and took her ...

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The Top Christian Leader In America

A list came out recently of prominent Christian leaders in America. These are people that, according to Newsmax, are making “a real impact on modern lives in 2015.” They are men and women who are in positions of influence, and “compelling preachers” who are driving their “effect on American politics.” ...

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