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Time for a Little Husband Bashing?

“Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32 Ever notice how negative comments can spread like wildfire? One minute a group of women are talking recipes and babies and the next turns into husband-bashing time. One lady ...

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Prayer God Delights to Answer

Remember the Disney movie,  Aladdin? Soon after the cunning thief had discovered the genie, Genie began listing the rules for Aladdin’s three wishes. “You can’t wish for more wishes!” I’d never thought of that, then as suddenly as the brilliance of it dawned on me, Genie declared such wishing out ...

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Hey, Buddy…Got a Light?

I’ve been at my job for a few months now.  I work at a store where we have a back room for all of the overstock.  There’s nothing remarkable about this room.  It’s small, dingy and kind of a mess to be honest.  A couple of days ago, I noticed that ...

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