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I have wasted so many years

“I have wasted so many years,” my heart cries as I glimpse the glory of God and think of how, so often, I make ‘faith’ what it is not.  I do what seems right; I drown out the voice of God with my own ‘good’ desires.  I trample His glory ...

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Do You Bear Much Fruit?

Having grown up on a farm in the heart of Indiana, I know the importance of a fruitful yield from seeds planted.  It relates directly to the farmer’s future livelihood.  Whether it is an expansive field of corn, wheat, oats, or a backyard garden of green beans and tomatoes, or ...

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Lessons from Isaac: God Does What He Says

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 Studying Isaac’s life and specifically the details of his birth and those surrounding his almost sacrifice, speaks volumes. It tells a lot about the character of God and ...

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