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You’re in Covenant With The King

“I wish Christians in the west understood their authority in Christ,” a friend from India said. His remark brought to mind the word “covenant.” Perhaps the west struggles with the idea of covenant because our greatest earthly covenant–marriage–is seldom fully understood or honored. We don’t comprehend, therefore, the covenant we have ...

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Caretakers of God’s Creation

“In the beginning God created the earth and all its inhabitants, every green thing and every living creature. These were created so man had all he needed to survive and multiply on the earth. He then gave man dominion over the whole planet.” (Genesis 1:26) All the creatures of the world ...

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We Must Pray For Franklin Graham

We must pray for Franklin Graham, who is holding the banner high for spiritual truth and morality. He frequently speaks out on a variety of social and moral issues. Recently, he was verbally attacked for commenting on the shooting and disrespect of police officers, and how it shows a lack ...

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