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The Third Jewish Temple or The “Temple” of the Holy Spirit

Plans are continuing to move forward for the rebuilding of the third Jewish temple. According to Bible prophecy it will be erected. Various religions accept the teaching, though for different reasons. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has completed many implements over the years to be used in sacrificial worship. Priestly garments ...

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The New Age Movement is Nothing New

In a recent article, I described the deceptive nature of the New Age movement. While the occult tends to be more blatant in its dark and evil nature, New Age is often more veiled. It blends humanistic philosophy with occult practices, and often dresses up in religious terms and activities. ...

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True Colors

“When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”  Maya Angelou Everyone has a bad day from time to time. Our temper flares, we can’t resist gossip’s temptation,  jealousy  rears its head, or we tell a lie. But behavior patterns are a different matter be they positive ...

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