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What Will You Make of Your Glass?

I love object lessons. There’s something about them that helps me grasp spiritual lessons that otherwise elude me. However, I would like to share with you a lesson revolving around an ordinary, everyday object. Picture a piece of glass. Now, imagine that the glass represents the difficult circumstances in your ...

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How Do You Fix A Broken World?

How do we fix our broken world? This question is on the minds of most Christians today. The answer is not simple or we would have already done it. God’s Word clearly tells us how to do it. Is our “simple plan” for saving the souls of men working to ...

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Your Relationship With God: Monologue or Dialogue?

A Socratic forum allows for two types of participants. 1. The listener. 2. The speaker. As the speaker expresses his or her opinion, the listener must wait their turn before contributing to the discussion. The structured exchange teaches how to hone in on one’s listening skills, be observant to exchange ...

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