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The Enemy, My Friend

It was 1943.  A young, twenty-something and inexperienced American fighter pilot and his equally inexperienced crew, lifted off for their first wartime mission – to destroy a German aircraft factory.  The American B-17 bomber, lovingly dubbed “Ye Old Pub”, had four engines, eleven machine guns, and heavy amour plating.  Although ...

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The Racy Reality Show,”Sex Box,” Is Cancelled… at Last

It’s just a box… right? Wrong. WE tv first aired “Sex Box,” a talk show—or reality show, depending on how you look at it—that gets heterosexual and homosexual couples to talk about their sex life on the air. The premise of the show is this: after the introductions, the couple ...

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Caught Without His Party Clothes

Party central was about to happen. A marriage feast for the King’s son had been set. Invitations had been signed, sealed, and delivered, but those who were invited were unwilling to come. The King then sent out his messengers again to beg those who were welcomed, but they made light ...

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