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A Dozen Don’ts to Avoid When at Church

Church is a place of worship. It’s a place where everyone can feel like they belong. But it’s also a place where a dozen things can go right, or very wrong. Mistakes and mishaps are no respecter of person or place. Nevertheless, the church is a place that invites happiness ...

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Martyrdom: To Die For Christ

On Sunday, April 19, 2015, ISIS released another video allegedly showing the murders of Ethiopian Christians in Libya.  The video shows one of these terrorists reading a statement, in which he states that Christians have the option to either convert to Islam or pay a tax set in the Quran. ...

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How to Transform and Renew Your Mind

The tension between our beliefs and the culture in which we live constitutes peer pressure, as was discussed in a previous blog. Romans 12:2 says, “Do not be conformed to this world” (don’t go along with or take after the thinking of the arena of humanity that is apart from ...

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