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Do You Know Your Daddy?

The damage incurred by father-less homes is fully documented.  Poverty, higher rates of incarceration, substance abuse and emotional issues ravage those who do not have a strong father presence. Even in lives where the father makes an effort, “daddy-issues” often impact adult relationships negatively.  Receiving the love of a father ...

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Troublemaker With A Side Order Of Hope

Have you ever been accused of being a troublemaker?  Ever described yourself as one?  I confess that I, indeed, am a troublemaker. I was always a good kid and very much a rule follower so I’m not sure when the troublemaker inside of me was born.  Don’t misunderstand me.  I’m ...

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Teachable Moments

As a single mom, I always look for teachable moments with my son–opportunities where I can teach him a biblical principle or bring a scripture to life. Recently, while listening to one of his favorite Christian bands he asked, “Mom, what do they mean when they say … in this ...

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