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God’s Purpose For Humanity Leaves No Room For Racial Prejudice

According to the March, 2015 issue of the National Geographic, “A third of Americans believe humans existed in their present form since time began” (page 41). This same fact is presented in the June, 2014 edition of the Answers In Genesis (AIG) magazine. The second chapter of Genesis says that ...

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Old Men Shall Dream Dreams

“And it shall come to pass … saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams,” Acts 2:17. This article is going to be a ...

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Your Vindication is Coming!

False accusations and  wrongful convictions, some carrying death sentences, occur in this country more often than most would believe. The Innocence Project indicates that currently there are 329 cases of wrongful conviction that have been exonerated by DNA, including 20 individuals who sat on death row! The reasons for these false convictions ...

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