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My Stone Castle

What does your dream house look like? Are you living in it?  Or is it a work-in-progress?  I grew up in humble homes, I have lived in some luxury homes (couch surfing), and I’ve learned that it’s not always about what you see that makes a house feel like a home. So what ...

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The Harvest is Your Purpose

Jesus says the Harvest is ready!! That means that we don’t need to wait to spread the good news of the Gospel. We don’t need to wait any longer because growing season is done and now as God’s children it’s time to get out into the field.  The Scriptures say ...

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No News Is … No News

Today I begin with a confession. With shame, I admit that I used to have a slightly judgmental attitude toward the uninformed. I could not understand how anyone could be oblivious to current political issues–or worse yet, how anyone could be completely uninterested. Questions like, “Do you live in a ...

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