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Could Maine Have the Answer to Welfare Reform?

Earlier this week the US Herald reported that there has been a significant drop in food-stamp enrollments since Maine began requiring welfare recipients to complete work, volunteer, or job-training hours before being eligible for assistance. The article reported that at the end of 2014 there were 12,500 adults enrolled in ...

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The Health Benefits of Flaxseeds

During the 8th century, King Charlemagne of France, strongly believed in the health benefits of flaxseed. His belief was so strong that he passed laws requiring his subjects to take it. Hippocrates also used it as one of the original medicines. The two types of flaxseed, golden and brown, have ...

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God Will Heal your Broken Heart

“He heals the brokenhearted, binding up their injuries” (Psalm147:3). What human being can heal a broken heart and bind up its wounds? God truly is the only one Who can heal our broken hearts and bind up the deeply embedded wounds left by those painful hurts. God is always able ...

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