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One Year To Live

We would go to the hospital to watch her die.  Her time was short, cancer was eating her alive.  I have described it that way before because there is no better way to explain it.  She was diminishing quickly before our eyes.  And yet, mom would smile at us.  What is braver than that?  I was ...

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Our Hope: He Calms The Storm

“And when He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him.  And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but He was asleep.” Matthew 8:23 (ESV) Jesus had just healed a centurion’s servant simply by speaking the word ...

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Do You Need a Fresh Start?

Remember New Year’s Eve? You had big dreams and long resolutions lists. You were excited, determined, ready to change things! You were so cute! Well, time has passed, and we are in the middle of April. New Year’s resolutions have taken the plunge and are all but forgotten. We have ...

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