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Thy Will Be Done: Do We Really Mean It?

Do you really mean it?  You have probably prayed it hundreds of times: “Thy will be done, thy kingdom come.”  Have you ever considered what the will of God looks like?  Sometimes we speak mindlessly; that’s dangerous.  Words have meaning.  Only humans have the privilege of expressing our minds, will and ...

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Act Like You Believe in God’s Power

My decision to enter seminary this fall has become very real in the last couple of days.  I got the email this week that it’s time to register for classes.  What? I’m not ready!  But ready or not, the time has come.  I have registered for Introduction to Christian Scriptures, ...

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Running the Race with Endurance

Two years ago, I decided to tackle one of the items on my bucket list, running a 5K.  After talking to other runners, it was suggested that if I really wanted to finish the race well, I should invest in a trainer.  Before I knew it, I was training 5-6 ...

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