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God’s Kindness Leads You To Repentance

God's kindness, compassion and goodness of God, repentance

If you asked ten Christians for the definition of repentance, you’d probably get a dozen different answers. The Greek word for repent is metanoeo, which means, “to change one’s mind.” Sometimes repentance is as dramatic as falling on your face, weeping and confessing. Much of the time, however, repentance is subtle, involving a ...

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The Bible and The Supernatural

I am a Christian author; my genre is Christian Fantasy, (SciFi as some call it). This is often a controversial genre because many believers feel there is no room for fiction (untruth) in a Christian world. But God can do anything He wants–we mustn’t limit God. Jesus spoke in parables: He ...

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Hearing Voices?

Voices….they’re everywhere! Some voices suggest quietly, some beckon us with direction, and some  even demand as they call out to us. Whether we realize it or not, we are all listening to one  voice or another.   Do these voices sound familiar? The world’s voice says:  “Get all you can,” ...

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