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Should Christians “Bake for them two”?

Recently a Christian blogger responded to the hot topic: Should Christian bakers make cakes for same-sex weddings titled, “Bake for them two”. She proposed the idea that not only should Christians bake these cakes but that these bakers should make them not one but two cakes. Further, this blogger postulates that Jesus ...

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A Christian Response to Marijuana Legalization

Colorado and Washington have led the nation in the direction of the legalization of marijuana. My own mid-west state has finally followed suit, after several attempts, to get the initiative on the ballot. Does this present a dilemma for Christians who hold libertarian or constitutionalist political viewpoints? This may or ...

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Saved From the Power of Sin

There are many things that the Bible calls “sin.” Sin is disobedience to God. It misses the mark of His design for our lives. Some people have an idea that God is trying to keep us from having a “good time.” They see Him as an angry God who wants ...

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