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Christians Must Refuse To Be Silent!

Christians are facing increased persecution and attempts are being made to silence us. It is important to know how to have victory against the attacks being made by atheists and the gay community. We can no longer be silent and passive. Psalm 35:19-20 says, “Do not let those who are wrongfully ...

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Love Never Fails, But Love Takes Time

“Love is patient … ” 1 Corinthians 13:4a Love takes time.  It does not have an expiration date; love simply, patiently perseveres! That word “patient” in 1 Corinthians stops me in my tracks.  The original Greek word means “willing to suffer long.”  I don’t like to suffer for a short time, ...

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How Do You Measure Your Worth?

A farthing is worth one-quarter of one penny, but it could purchase two sparrows during Bible times. At that price, one could say that the sparrow wasn’t worth much! But God sees when a sparrow falls to the ground,  and the Bible says He must give His consent first. If ...

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