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Bad Boy Saul and the Reimaging of His Reputation

How can he change? His life was determined from day one by being born into that household of Pharisee’s-the strictest sect of the Jewish religion. So many assumptions based upon a life cycle of tradition. How could he be any different? Yet God knew he would change, and even more ...

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Are You a Fan or a Follower?

Guess this riddle: What has eyes and ears, and follow sports and celebrities everywhere? Give up? I think you’ve guessed it. The answer is, “Fans!” We all know what it’s like to be a fan. It might have been a Barbie doll love affair or a Back Street Boys obsession. ...

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Redeemed from the Curse

Have you ever felt as though you were cursed? Maybe you notice that the same bad things keep happening again and again. You want a different outcome, but no matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. You end a relationship, but then find yourself attracted to ...

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