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What Does the Cross Mean to You?

During our Good Friday service, my pastor stood at the front of the sanctuary and begged the simple question: What does the cross mean to you? Four people came forward, each from different walks of life, to answer the question. One person spoke about wholeness. Another completion. And yet another ...

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Who Does the Gavel Belong To?

Temperaments continue to rise over Indiana’s recent legislative move by Governor Mike Pence. On Thursday April 2nd, Pence signed an updated version of Indiana’s “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” which included “new language to clarify that businesses and service providers cannot use the legislation as a justification to discriminate based on ...

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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: It Has Started

“He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.” I Corinthians 15:4 He walked through the grave aglow with resurrection power. Three days before, He had bowed His head and declared, “It is finished.” Now, it had started. What was finished? Just ...

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