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Good Friday–What’s Good About it?

It’s Good Friday, but it doesn’t seem like a lot of good happened on this day nearly 2000 years ago. Jesus died that day; a Man without sin. His only crime?–trying to teach His people how to follow God’s Law. He was shunned by His own people (John 19:15), and ...

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Boost Your Confidence to Talk to Atheists About Jesus

With Easter just a few days away I hope you take advantage of talking to others about the true meaning of Easter. Recently, I was talking to an atheist about his plans for Easter. He knows I’m a Christian and while I have talked about my faith openly with him, ...

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Why Must We “Restore” Religious Freedom?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence boldly placed himself at the center of a firestorm of controversy by signing the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Everyone from celebrities and basketball commentators to corporations and the White House is voicing their objections and calling for a boycott on the entire state of Indiana. ...

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