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Rejected And Chosen

Rejection hurts. We want to be a chosen one.  Do you remember gym classes with team captains who chose members?  If you were not athletic, it was a time of humiliation and rejection.  Then, adulthood delivers more opportunities for rejection: looking for a job, losing a job, finding a mate, ...

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How to Recognize Demonic Manifestations

One of the primary keys to setting people free from demons is the ability to discern their presence. Evil spirits often work behind the scenes and influence people in subtle ways. They prefer to dwell in the darkness and remain undetected. Therefore, it is not always obvious when a person ...

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My God is the Storm

Have you ever stopped to think have awesome God really is? I have, and He is AWESOME! Some people fuss about the storms in their life to God, but have you ever stopped to think that sometimes God is the Storm. I’m going to talk about three instances in the ...

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