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Don’t Let Satan Stop You

What holds you back from doing what you believe you were meant to do? Is it the opinion of others, or a lack of confidence in yourself? Maybe you’ve tried in the past and failed. Maybe you face a disability that seems to stand in the way of your success. ...

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The Re-Election of Netanyahu and God’s Divine Agenda

The recent speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added new tension to the relations between his country and the White House. Israel National has reported that President Obama wants “revenge” for the speech. Considering how well it was received by both houses of Congress, and how “frustrated” Obama has ...

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When Faith Feels Foolish

Faith is mysterious.  It feels risky at times.  It can seem foolish at times. My writing life reminds me of my faith walk … believing in something larger than myself.  I sit down at my desk, and by pure faith, trust that the right words will come, that spending my time devoted to this whole, HUGE ...

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