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Three Tips for Digging Deeper into God’s Word

When did reading the Bible become a duty rather than a delight? Seriously, to talk to people today (Christians included), one would think that there was no more tedious task on earth than to sit down and spend a few minutes in the Word of God. Part of this mindset, ...

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Humility And Scrubbing The Stinky Feet

Taking off my two-year old’s shoes, I jokingly proclaimed to my son. “Whooo! P.U!” “Your shoes smell awful!” With his brilliant blue eyes and giggled response, I knew he was enjoying the game, but in all reality, I questioned the possibility of someone so small creating such a putrid and ...

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Will You Be Ready When Mr. Rainy Day Stops By?

I remember a skit done at church when I was around ten years old. It was about “Mr. Rainy Day.” In the drama piece, a young girl repeatedly saw her mother stashing away money. Like any curious child, she asked what it was for. The mother told her the money ...

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