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The Light Shines From the Law

Have you read Leviticus lately?  Most would have to say, “No.”  Many would say, “I don’t need to; I don’t live under law. I live under grace.”  I say, “You don’t know what you are missing!  There is great joy to be found in those pages.  The light shines from ...

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Embracing the Seasons of Life

Winter, spring, summer and autumn, four seasons, each offering something unique to behold.  Spring brings forth new life and new beginnings as the flowers begin to grow and bears awaken from their long slumber.  Summer is a time where everything is in full bloom and life just seems to cruise ...

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Good Grief: Finding Life After Loss

I have been a widow for a year and ten days.  My late husband’s death was very sudden so I didn’t have a chance to prepare.  Not that you can ever prepare for something so earth-shattering as the death of a spouse.  I’ve spent the last 375 days working through ...

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