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God Can Speak Through Dreams

prophetic dreams, prophetic symbolism, symbolism in dreams

God is always speaking. Since we spend a significant portion of our lives sleeping, it stands to reason that the Holy Spirit would continue to speak to us when we rest. Often, we miss Him because we are simply not tuned in. Dreams were one way God frequently spoke to ...

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Preparing for the End Times

The child in the picture and that big old lion, with the cows and the lamb came walking toward me, I remember I was quite frightened at first, but they didn’t seem to see me. They just walked straight ahead, and disappeared once they came up to the crib. This ...

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Tired of Trying to Hold it all Together?

Although I love many things about my life and the times I’m living in, there are those days when I miss the innocence and pleasures of childhood.  Those simple days long ago when my biggest concern was whether it would rain the next day, keeping me from the swimming pool, ...

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