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Mean Girls, Let It Go

Mean girls seem to be mean 24/7… all day… every day. It’s a fact, ever-so-often, teenage girls will square-off. The result? A mixture of cruelty, bruised egos, and embarrassment. Hurtful words are sent hurling, hitting harder than missiles. Then, like a spark of flame in a forest, a little disagreement ...

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Who Does God Say That I Am?

Have you ever wondered why some Christians live in defeat? This can be contributed to not knowing or believing what your new identity in Christ is. When you do not know what your identity in Christ is, or what God says about you, you believe the lies that the enemy ...

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Can a Christian Have a Demon?

I wrote recently about how important the ministry of deliverance is to the church. Jesus often freed people from the influence of evil spirits, and He commissioned the church to do the same: “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons” (Mark ...

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