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Shopping & Bible Reading: Online or Hands-on? (Part 1)

Some people prefer online while others prefer hands-on. Whether it’s making a purchase or reading the Bible, technology has presented new options for doing old tasks. Even if you’re not a shopaholic, you have to admit that shopping is an essential part of life—so is reading the Bible. (It’s okay ...

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Basketball Team Puts A Stop To Bullying

What is one way to stop bullying? You get an entire basketball team behind you. This was the case at Lincoln Middle School in Kenosha, Wisconsin. At a recent game some bullies in the stands were saying derogatory things to a cheerleader. Desiree Andrews has Downs Syndrome. Three of the ...

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New Lease on Life At A Yard Sale

“Christ has given us this command:  Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”  1 John 4:21 (NIV) I love yard sales!  There is no telling what treasures one may find among another person’s junk.  But one man found something quite unexpected–a new lease on life. Don Herbert is a ...

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